This last term of Hello Mornings we used a study on Job
& Joseph created by Lara G.
Williams, called Abounding Hope. The study is simple enough: A collection of
different verses to read each day with questions to prompt specific Scriptural
thoughts about God, His Promises, Hope, etc. There is no running commentary,
but the user is guided to glean truths from God's Word, not the author's mind.
I can't tell you how I felt about studying
Job...again...when I saw the topic. I may have rolled my eyes and thought something negative. I don't really remember,
but that sounds like something I would have done way back in January. I hope
the thought of studying Job...again...does not deter anyone, though. I found
this particular study to be valuable. Lara doesn't get into the debate I grew
up with about how Job was probably actually being punished by God for future
sins (seriously, I've heard that one so many times it's rote memory now), she
doesn't get sidetracked trying to figure out if the Laviathon is a whale or a
dinosaur. The entire study seems stayed on one ever important, but, I've
learned as I've grown & as I've watched others, difficult topic...You *can*
trust God. He *is* faithful, always. He will *never* leave you, even if your
outward circumstances look as if He has. He *always* loves you. He isn't a God
out to punish you for some secret sin you might not even know about, He is a
God out to serve His Great Eternal Purpose in your life for His Glory, which often requires difficulties that incur growth.
Looking back through my notes on this study I can see that
it became apparent by the end of week one what God was trying to say: I can
trust Him. This may seem like a no-brainer to some people. A lot of Christians
sometimes think this sort of thing just comes natural. It doesn't. I won't get
into the specifics of why I have spent a lifetime in the church without being
able to trust God. It makes most people uncomfortable to hear about my
childhood of growing up in the church but having an entirely un-biblical
upbringing at home. Suffice to say that I was taught from an early age that God
hated His people, that He was "out to get them," to use the
vernacular & that the better Christian you were the more he was. That He was just waiting for you to mess up one bit, then He'd jump
on the occasion to attack you with some sort of cruel punishment.
Two December's ago, when Christ lifted me out of the
darkness of sin and unbelief, I began to see things differently. I made my
first few timid steps in trusting God, but, honestly, I believe that in the
back of my mind, those thoughts were still there. This study dragged them all
out into the open where God & I could deal with them once and for all.
It was a long session this round of the Hello Mornings
Challenge. One thing after another came to the members of our group. As most
people around the country know, it was a winter filled with illness after
illness, on top of that there were so many other things going on that I
couldn't enumerate them all in this entry. In my own life things were pretty
bad. So many things going on personally that threatened to drag me down into a
deep depression. In fact, in the old days they would have. I won't say that I
didn't get depressed, some of the stuff was so overwhelming that it was bound
to make me sad. But through these terrible times, as I wrestled with God in my
study, I was finally able to see that these things as they were, temporal
problems (OK, most of them are very long, temporal problems) that God will use
for His Glory...and I can be a part of bringing that Glory to Him IF I trust
Him. Of course, it's all gonna bring Him Glory whether I do or not, but do I
want it to bring Him Glory *in spite of* my faith, or as a result of it?
As I look back over the past few months, I don't really see
that a single one of the problems has changed. Some of them have actually
become worse. What *has* changed is my perspective. I no longer look up and
wonder "why?" the moment something bad happens. I look ahead, to the
end, whenever that end may be...even if it won't be until I'm long gone from
this the Glory that God will bring Himself as a result of this
Here is a thought from my notes way back in Week 5 of the
study: Trust God. He is all powerful and all knowing. He is in control of your
And, of course, if you know me at all, you know that this makes me think of a song. Unfortunately Blogger cannot communicate with YouTube while using Chrome (yes, that is an indictment of Google who owns all three) so here's the link:
While I'm Waiting by John Waller.
And with that phobia overcome, I will now attempt to work on
my other biggie...fear of all pastors and other Christian leaders. Anybody have
a good study on that one? :)