For the beauty of the earth, For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth Over and around us lies,
Lord of all, to thee we raise This our grateful hymn of praise.

Friday, May 4, 2012

21 Days of Prayer for Our Sons Link-Up

I've been writing about each day of the 21 Days of Prayer for Our Sons, but for this link-up I'm just going to write about the event & prayer in general.

I love prayer. It's the most incredible gift. Think about it. The God who created all promises to hear us and answer according to what He, who knows everything, says is best for us. There's no man-made god who promises that. Sure, sometimes our God says, "no," but that's because he knows that there's something better down the road.

I prayed for another child through years of secondary infertility and God always said "no." Finally God said (or so I imagine) "OK, she's ready for the child I have planned for her. The child that will help her learn to fight instead of letting other people dictate her life." ;)

I've learned a lot about prayer over the years. The most important thing is that prayer is not a way to boss God around. He's not our cosmic butler. And when we pray we can't just tell Him what to do. We must submit as even Christ submitted and said "Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.". That's a painful prayer to pray. I've prayed it under daunting circumstances and can definitely see how Christ could have sweat blood.

I've learned, too, that prayer is powerful to I've been so pleasantly surprised over the past year. What actually started as a prayer for my son, has radically changed me. What a blessing it's been to see my own heart of stone softened by God's hand. All because I started praying for someone else. Now I can pray for others more readily. It has started me down the path of healing from past hurts. It has made me able to, while not condoning the sins of those who hurt me or my children, forgive them and realize that the pain they inflicted was born of their need of a Savior and a need to submit themselves to Him entirely.

So, as we moms pray through this month, may we find our own selves radically altered at the end. Ready to live completely different lives in the service of our God and King. Then our boys will be able to see how a changed heart, obedience, and submission to God can affect them for good.

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